(You can listen to the audio version of this post in the audio bar above. Every Pathways of Connections’ post includes my audio.)
This is my fourth year of intentionally deciding what I desire to BE and bring into this world. Selecting a word encompasses the energy and intention of those desires and keeps me aligned with what matters to me.
How I choose mine:
What was missing in the previous year?
What do I desire for personal/spiritual/professional growth?
What is my compass or guiding star on saying yes or no to people and opportunities?
My words have been:
HOPE (Finding purpose and good in the world).
JOY (doing what lifted me up and made ME happy)
CONNECTION (after COVID, I needed to learn how to be in relationship with people again. Also, to connect with myself in positive ways)
In order to decide 2024’s Word of the Year, I looked back at 2023’s Year in Review.
Then I wrote to these prompts:
What was my overall mood last year?
What did I accomplish/feel about CONNECTIONS I made?
What did I miss that I want to bring into the new year?
What worked so well that I want to continue?
2023 was difficult and heavy on many levels. I struggled to keep my energy high or even keeled. My mood was often low and filled with worry. I took myself too seriously–I felt I had so much I needed to get accomplished and that pressure often had me feeling flat–not the vibrant ME. I felt like I carried bricks of HEAVY energy.
Giving myself the time and grace to reflect opened my eyes on what I want to explore in 2024. What energy I want to generate and launch into the world.
The word lifts my spirits.
Let the light in my heart shine through.
Be playful. Have fun. Lighten up.
Create joy. Bring in humor and laughter.
Show up with a light heart.
I’ll keep this word in the forefront of my mind and journal. This will be my gauge on how I’m showing up for myself and others.
It’s a guide when planning my month, week and day.
When deciding on this word, I listened to my intuition as well as reflecting.
If you’d like to choose your Word of the Year, perhaps writing to these prompts will support you:
Read Year in Review if you want to reflect.
What Word would support my personal/physical/spiritual/professional growth?
How do I want to show up for myself?
What Word aligns with what matters to me?
List a few and see which one resonates the most.
Then claim that Word and keep it front and center when setting up your day, making decisions, and showing up for yourself.
May your Word of the Year be in alignment with what matters most to you and is for your highest and best good!
Feel free to share your Word!