Welcome to Janine’s Journal Jam. A weekly offering of journal prompts and the stories that spark them. May they inspire you to jam with your journal!
The clouds have been magical lately. Threats of rain bring thick dark clouds ready to burst. The aftermath spreads brilliant colors along with a diverse range of cloud shapes and textures.
As a child I loved lying on the grass staring up at the clouds. I felt as if I were a part of them—a white wispy cloud floating without a care.
Even when the storms came forth and those clouds lowered dark and ominous, I saw light flashing through.
It was as if it said, “Don’t worry. I’m still here. Wait a few moments and the storm will be over. This too shall pass.”
The tendrils of uncertainty loomed.
Yet, I’d keep my eyes on the horizon, waiting for those wisps of wonder to return.
The storm would pass and I’d be gifted with a light show among the clouds. Yellow, orange, pink, gray, white, blue.
The clouds showed me how hope and despair could exist together and create beauty.
Hope and love were bigger than the darkest clouds.
The light shined and the sky cleared. My heart soared with possibilities as the clouds floated higher in the sky.
They offered a vast wonder of possibilities:
What if I soar higher than I ever have and reach beyond the clouds to fulfill my dreams?
What are those dreams?
What do they look like?
Why do I let the weight of the world hold me down?
Where can I bring in light and ease?
What can I imagine?
How can I make those dreams come true?
If not now, when?
A year from now, what will I have done, been, cherished, created, accomplished, made better?
The possibilities are as vast and unique as the clouds. They are ever changing. Those possibilities bring challenges but they also spread light, joy, hope, and love.
What do you see or feel when you look at the clouds?