Welcome to Dream Travels. Adventures on dream sharing, being the expert of your dreams, and synchronicities with waking life.
Circles of space. Forming a connection. Energy spreads forth, creating positive waves and rippling vibration. Coming as we are and being connected in this synchronistic union of like-hearted spirits. Understanding that even though there is so much out there, it's ALL in us.
Our souls are vast beings.
Our Higher Selves are intricately connected in what I call a Soulternet™.
We have access to it all the time. Keeping that SoFi™ (Soul Fidelity) linked so the connection is strong.
Everyone dreams.
When you listen and honor your dreams, your connection amplifies, you travel extensively beyond the realms of waking life and bring back needed messages from the Soulternet™.
Our dreams are like a search engine.
What do you want to know? Ask your dreams. Write intentions in your journal search bar. The answers come at night and during the day. When dreams jump around, focus on one and dig deeper.
Pop the answers into your life. The energy and data propagate, connect and spark. Then more answers come. But you need to listen, be open, and willing to dig a little deeper by spending time with your journal.
Your Soulternet™ only works when you use it. You need to honor, nurture, and pay attention to the messages you receive.
All while caring for yourself. You are the device and energy source that keeps your Soulternet™ connected. Treat it well and it will continue to give back exactly what you ask when you need it.
So what happens when your SoFi™ goes down?
You’re no longer connected to your Soulternet™, don’t remember your dreams, and no longer have access to your Personal Dream Navigator™ (PDN).
Here are some tips to troubleshoot and get your Soulternet™ back online:
Set an Intention
Before you go to bed, write your intention in your journal.
It can be a question, a clarification, a wish, or an invitation
You can ask to simply remember your dreams.
Stay in Position
As soon as you move, the connection to your SoFi™ diminishes. It’s like when you leave your house and your phone has to switch from WiFi to your car’s Bluetooth.
Relax, stay in that position, and let the dream reconnect.
Record Those Snippets
In the middle of the night or before you begin your day, record any snippets of the dream. You can write in your journal, use a voice memo or bullet details in your phone notes.
Record images, feelings, colors, words, songs, places, names
Anything that comes to mind.
Honor your Dream
Maintain that connection by journaling your dream in more detail using The Lightning Dreamwork Process.
Record it like a journal entry on a regular basis and you’ll remember.
Dreaming is a practice. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. The stronger your connection.
Notice those Waking Synchronicities
A song plays on the radio that you remember from your dream. Note where you are. What your intention was from the night before.
Circle back to your journal about the connections between night and day dreams.
Those are the answers you are seeking.
Dreaming is a community gathering on the Soulternet™. The possibilities are limitless, but we have to pay attention. When you honor and record your dreams, more will come. It may take a few tries but you will remember.
If you need help writing an intention or asking a question, add it in the comments or feel free to message me.
May Your Dreams Guide You Well!
Let’s Connect: Always happy to hear from you. Feel free to share stories or how this resonates. All thoughts are welcome!