Welcome to Janine’s Journal Jam. A weekly offering of journal prompts and the stories that spark them. May they inspire you to jam with your journal!
This is the third of a 5-part series inspired by the many paths I walk.
Part 1 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Checking In. Feel Free to go back to this first and continue to check in whenever you feel a need.
Part 2 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Recording Your Path. Feel free to refer back to this before you go further.
How did the last two weeks go? If you just found this, see above for Parts 1 and 2.
When I looked back at my last two weeks in my journal, I saw a lot of brambles. I felt caught in the thicket of bushes with lots of pushing and pulling on my time. The problem I often find is that I want to do it all. There are so many fulfilling paths in my career choice. I have too many ideas that I wish to bring into fruition. I found that by trying to do too much, I was not in alignment with myself. In addition to a lot scheduled on my calendar for work, my office was a mess.
Clearing my path for me meant cleaning my office!
Once I cleared my space, I sat with my journal, took a deep breath, and paused. I asked myself:
What am I doing that is in alignment with my professional intentions?
Who is lifting me up and fueling my energy?
Who is sucking my energy like an energy vampire?
What excites me and how do I wish to spend my time?
Writing, teaching, and holding Reiki Journaling™ sessions brought me so much joy throughout the month. This felt right.
I did the same socially because it was another ‘ally’ category that currently felt heavy and too cluttered for me. Once I cleared my space I thought about social invitations I had received.
Some would have been enjoyable and others were no longer serving my highest and best good.
By reviewing the last two weeks in my journal, I became aware of what was pulling at me and decided I needed to take action.
Awareness and Action: Sometimes you need one or the other and sometimes you need both.
I listened to my intuition and noted my feelings that I recorded. Because of my raised awareness and feelings, I declined invitations and shifted my schedule to give me more space for curiosity and creativity.
I feel better, more open, and there is space for flow and ease.
There is clarity on my path.
It wasn’t all gloomy! I enjoyed baking, celebrating my husband’s birthday, going to a car show, dinner with friends, and riding my motorcycle.
Look back at your journal entries, calendar, photos.
You can always go back to Parts 1 and 2 and begin today and come back to this.
The following prompts are offerings. Choose one or all that serves you best.
Part 3: Clearing Your Path
What did you notice about how you spent your time?
How did your activities affect your mood?
What did you enjoy the most?
What felt frustrating?
What was in the way?
What fell across your path that was difficult to climb over or go around?
How are you in alignment or misalignment with your ‘ally’
Choose one or more.
What are you ready to clear that impacts you?
Physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, professionally
Who's your bandit that prevents or blocks the path that is most aligned with who you are and how you desire to show up in the world?
Who is stealing your energy?
Who is lifting you up?
Brambles--what in your life feels thorny, rough, not in alignment. Twists your path instead of providing a clear view.
What excites you right now?
How do you wish to spend your time?
What is one thought, step, boundary that you can bring into your life to clear your path right now?
Part 4 is Imagining the Possibilities once your path has been cleared.
Let’s Connect: Always happy to hear from you. Feel free to share stories or how this resonates. All thoughts are welcome!