Gain Clarity Through Journaling (Part 1 of 5)
How to Follow the Path That Reflects Who You Are
Welcome to Janine’s Journal Jam. A weekly offering of journal prompts and the stories that spark them. May they inspire you to jam with your journal!
This is the first of a 5-part series inspired by the many paths I walk.
When I began journaling to gain clarity on what mattered to me, there were many possible paths laden with fog, debris, dangerous roadside bandits, and treacherous roots threatening to trip me up.
Some of that fog was grief; the debris negative emotions from lived experiences. The roadside bandits could easily be toxic relationships or versions of myself to sabotage me. The roots were stories that I was raised on or that I continued to believe about who I was or could be.
Yet I am so much more than the untravelled paths, dead ends, and directions from others. I am more than wishing to be on a path that someone else succeeded on.
Our paths get murky.
We may follow one that we thought was a clear route. Perhaps a decision to move, change jobs, start a relationship. But then the path gets foggy, filled with brambles, overgrown dreams that no longer excite us.
It doesn't mean it was the wrong path and years have been wasted doing this particular thing or being with that person. Those experiences make us who we are. Yet, in order to understand what path we desire to follow or create, we need to clear the fog and remove the debris from our current path.
Journaling is an effective tool to clear your path and navigate the one that is most aligned with what matters to you.
How can you clear your path to reveal the ones that reflect who you are and who you're becoming?
This is a five-part series because clearing your path and understanding what aligns with your values and what matters can be a big process. I teach customized programs that are three-months long and dig deep. You can learn more at
However, these prompts will give you some stepping stones to begin.
Part 1: Self-Awareness and Clarity on What’s in the Way
Checking In
How are you doing?
When you wake up in the morning how do you feel? It can be your first thoughts, a phrase or feeling that come into your mind.
Take it a step deeper along one of these avenues: physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, professionally.
What ‘ally’ feels good to you?
Which lifts you up?
Which feels scratchy, rough, trips you, and keeps you off balance?
Of those ‘ally’ categories, what feels like it no longer fits?
What needs pruning?
Right now you are simply assessing the situation. It’s like you're seeing your path for the first time. Maybe you haven't noticed how overgrown it has become. But you can't see where you are going because the way is covered.
For the next two weeks, try a Daily Check-In. Note the dates. You can record the time if you notice your feelings throughout the day.
Recognize and journal what ‘ally’ those feelings are associated with.
If you’re curious and it feels right, journal why you feel that way.
Become aware of the paths that are covered and as well as those that are clear.
Do this as often as you like.
Part 2 will be on journaling about your journey on your current path.
If it serves you, note in the comments how you're feeling and the ‘ally.’
Let’s Connect: Always happy to hear from you. Feel free to share stories or how this resonates. All thoughts are welcome!
I'm just catching up but I love this suggestion. Just checking in with yourself first thing in the morning can lead to healthy changes - especially if you're grieving. It's a low lift. We can all start this way.